Complex Manufacturing for
Critical Applications


Tag: Titanium Bolts vs. Titanium Screws

A fastener or screw that came loose

Our Vertical Approach to Complex Manufacturing 

Precision parts and specialty fasteners are a lifeline for many industries including energy, medical, aerospace, defense, petrochemical, and construction. As a trusted and respected manufacturer, B& G Manufacturing understands that these critical sectors necessitate the most stringent quality standards.  

For this reason, we have implemented a highly effective vertical approach to our complex manufacturing pipeline. This allows us to produce best-in-class products, from medical implants and titanium screws to industrial bolting and aerospace fasteners. 

Titanium Bolts vs. Titanium Screws

Titanium Bolts vs. Titanium Screws: Selecting the Ideal Fastener for Your Project

If you work with industrial fasteners, you’ve probably heard of this never-ending debate: titanium bolts vs. titanium screws; which is ideal for a project? While they’re both made of the same material and will provide superior fastening quality, titanium bolts and screws serve very different purposes.

So, which is best for your current project? Keep reading as we settle the titanium bolts vs. titanium screws debate once and for all.
